At Olhão tracking Ocean Sunfish
The experiment that gathers engeneering and biology, with researcher from Portugal, United States, Spain and Norway, lead by LSTS is already at Olhão, Algarve, for the Sunfisn Tracking Experiment.
Visit the experiments website for more information: .
Tagging Sunfish
Loading the R/V Diplodus, the center of vehicles operation at sea
Joel Gomes with UAV X8 during tests at Tavira.
AUV's on dock ready to be loaded on the R/V Diplodus
José Pinto and Margarida Faria working on AIS receptor
João Pereira with LAUV Xplore-1. Thsi vehicle is equipped to operate during a more extended period of time.
R/V Diplodus captain Daniel, José Pinto (FEUP), Frédéric Py (FEUP), Javier Gilabert (UPCT) and Artur Zolich (NTNU).