EU Marine Robots

EUMR’s participation on Oceanology International 2018 was a success! This was the project first public appearance and we had the chance to announce our planned activities, with special focus on public calls for researchers and industry to access EUMR infrastructures, training, education, and data that will be opened during the projects lifecycle.

During this event, a series of important contacts were made, with both Academia and Industry elements, to promote the TNA calls that will open during 2018.


O LSTS esteve presente na Missão Empresarial do BlueTech Cluster de San Diego, Estados Unidos da América, “The Maritime Alliance”, encontro B2B realizado pela Fórum Oceano, em Lisboa.



O LSTS, em colaboração com a Escola Secundária João Gonçalves Zarco, através da sua iniciativa Erasmus+, procedeu a uma apresentação do contexto geral do laboratório, dando exemplos das suas operações e dos vários pro


This will be EUMR first public appearance and it will announce the project’s planned activities with special focus on public calls for researchers and industry to access EUMR infrastructures, training, education, and data that will be opened during the projects lifecycle.

We invite you to visit our booth (M150) and learn more about how EUMarineRobots will help other institutions and companies to gain and access a sustained, persistent, and affordable presence in the oceans.


The EUMarine Robots Kick Off Meeting was successfully completed in Porto, Portugal on the 1st and 2nd of March, 2018. The meeting facilitated partner introductions and allowed a detailed examination of all project future activities and goals.

During the two day meeting, partners had the opportunity to discuss various topics, including project objectives, the governance structure, milestones, management processes and tools, project roadmap and partners responsibilities.


Os oceanos são a região menos explorada do planeta Terra e a proteção e o desenvolvimento sustentável dos seus recursos apresentam grandes desafios. Além disso, os veículos robóticos vão desempenhar um papel fundamental num futuro próximo, cada vez mais desafiante sobretudo na expansão em ambientes marinhos mais profundos, remotos e hostis. Mas apesar de haver uma comunidade dinâmica em expansão nesta área, a Europa está ainda muito condicionada em termos de uma efetiva integração e operação em rede, sendo que as oportunidades de acesso às infraestruturas de investigação são muitas vezes escassas ou pouco coordenadas.


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